Company or Group Name
Contact Person's Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Best Contact Phone
Is this your company/organization phone or mobile phone?
Company/Organization Phone
Mobile Phone
Company or Group Street Address
City, State, Zip
How would you like to get involved?
Please select all the areas that you are interested in and we will contact you with further details.
Sorting In-Kind Donations of food, clothing, household items, baby items, personal hygiene items
Volunteer at the Annual Pickleball Against Poverty Tournament in March
Volunteer at a Community Outreach Event
Envelope Stuffing
Tell us a little bit about your company or group, and your area of expertise...
Please specify any mental or physical limitations:
How did you hear about us, what brought you here today?
Company or Group Emergency Contact Person
Their relationship to you
Emergency Contact phone
Please check each box indicating that you have reviewed and agree to abide by these guidelines...
Absolutely no alcohol or drugs are permitted on the property, or anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Each person is responsible for their own belongings that they bring to the South Jersey Dream Center.
All children must be closely supervised, and not left unattended at any time.
Each person must keep their emotions and behavior in check, no outbursts, using foul language, loud or rude behavior, or physical threats of any kind.